Tuesday, July 30, 2013

40 days

It's been about three months since I've updated my blog.


Before beginning my journey with Teach For America, I would maintain my travel blog consistently, & LOVED doing so. As April, May & June 2013 rolled around though...I felt burned out from teaching. So much so that it was hard to reflect in writing, because all I wanted was a break from work. The end of the year felt like a monotonous schedule of teaching, cleaning the classroom, prepping...

Forty days of summer is what it took to finally feel excited about work again. I can truly say I am ready to be back in the classroom - to meet my new students (this year I'll be teaching 2nd grade).

Those forty days consisted in a bit of travel to Austin, Denver & New Orleans, a lot of quality time spent with good friends & family, & an internship with a company that focuses more with my Advertising/PR major I received from TCU. I feel as if I've [re]discovered what makes me happy & what kind of balance I need to have between work/play.

PS - My birthday is coming up...& I could not think of a better gift to receive than a classroom library full of books for the 2013-2014 school year (wink wink)! Just think, $10 = 1 book. For more information, see my Donor's choose account here. Thanks!