Friday, September 14, 2012

Love the struggle

Today is Friday, September 14, 2012 - the day I, Bianca Nicole, complete my 3rd week of teaching 4th grade. I've had 3 weeks filled with faculty meetings, lesson plans, minimal sleep, lots of coffee...

I'm exhausted.

Teaching has been one of the most challenging tasks I have ever taken on. I have SO much to learn, & just not enough time. I want to be the best I can absolutely be, yet I am nowhere near exemplary. I'm not used to struggling so much - I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water, one step away from drowning in work. 

But when I think of my students, I know that they need me. They are absolutely wonderful. They remind me that I need to try my best, that we are on the same path to reach a common goal, that "one day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain excellent education."

I'm learning to love the struggle.

My 19 new children
 My days clocked into work begin officially at 7:30 a.m., & end at 4:40 a.m., but in reality, a teacher's day is much longer. I aim to arrive at school at 6:50 a.m., teach, & leave at about 5:30 p.m. (on a good day). I continue working from home until it's time for bed, then do it all over again.

I'm waiting for the day when teaching "clicks." So far, I don't feel like a teacher. I don't feel like I know what I'm doing. I do know that I'm learning, though. A LOT. At least I have that!

Here's my 3 weeks of school in photos:

First day of school. My students told me what a good teacher should do,
& I wrote it on the board.
My officially official teaching badge!
I got an apple from one of my made my day :)
Dora the Explorer birthday invitation from another student. Adorable.
De La Rosa candy from a student.
My class, in action.
Teaching my students about the 2012 presidential election. We listened to
Michelle Obama's speech from the Democratic Convention.
Gotta get them reading!
In line in the hallway. Did I mention I have 15 boys, & only 4 girls??
Cualitativo vs cuantitativo
 Things I've been able to do in Fort Worth during my minimal free time...
Fort Worth Food Truck - absolutely delicious, with a wonderful atmosphere
Red velvet & banana nutella cupcakes from Red Jett (a food truck)
"See How They Run" at Circle Theatre
Logo designing for Daniel Silverman Photography
Attending weddings in beautiful places
Flying through the sky amidst travel
My babies.