Thursday, January 31, 2013

Where'd January go?

This is my one and only post for January.

I am literally halfway through my first year of teaching. 156 days down, 156 days to go until June 7th. I'm still alive. & maybe finally impacting my classroom?

My class testing data from January
Via district assessments, I am able to track how my classroom is doing compared to the rest of FWISD. The last math test showed that my class had a 75% passing rate, with a 70% average - a 46% growth from the last assessment. The district test average was 67%.

Although I'm striving for 100% passing, the data from this round of assessments was a big confidence booster I REALLY needed. I've been hard at work, much like all the teachers at my school, & it's nice to see such a big growth.

I foresee a major overhaul in my literacy structure for the month of February. I've gotta get those kids reading better. Until my next post, here are some random pictures from life:

Santa came to deliver presents to my students
My TCU professor Dr. Jacque Lambiase donated a bunch of
wonderful material to my classroom

Last day of school before winter break turned into a lot of fun
read alouds since only nine students came! 

My student helped motivate me

Oh, and I can't forget to mention the Febreze can a student
 brought to class to cover up the "fart" smells